Regulatory Compliance
The “Business of Safety” (Monetary impact of accidents)
Humanitarian Concerns, Ethics
1. Confined Space.
2. Electrical Safety.
3. Blood Borne Pathogens.
4. Personal Protective Equipment.
5. Machine Guarding.
6. Lockout and Tagout.
7. Workplace Violence.
8. Ergonomics.
9. Fire, Egress & First Aid.
10. Welding Cutting & Brazing.
11. Walking & Working Surface.
12. OSHA Inspection
13. Hand & Power Tools.
14. Material Handling.
15. Ladder Safety.
16. Hazard Communication.
17. Respiratory Protection.
18. Crane Safety.
Elements Covered
1 to 12 for Advance Diploma
1 to 18 for Supervisory Diploma
Exam Pattern
60 Questions for Advance Diploma
100 Questions for Supervisory Diploma
80% for Advance Diploma
80% for Supervisory Diploma
90 Minutes for Advance Diploma
120 Minutes for Supervisory Diploma